Tuesday 1 November 2011


So I'm pretty new to this whole thing. Give me a diary anyday, can't really beat the old fashioned pen and paper. But this is the technology age and one must embrace that. Honestly it feels rather good to be sharing. There just isn't much statisfaction in writing to yourself, sure it helps for about five minutes, but then it is still just you and your feelings. 

So I apologise in advance for the pointlessness of this blog, especially if you ever made the effort to read it. But hey, isn't that what you're reading blogs for? Making yourself feel slightly better about whatever it is in your life that you are currently hiding from, maybe its just a search for some witty one liners in the midst of a whole lot of teenage rambling. I'm pretty sure those are two things that I can undoubtably provide, I will endeaver to please.

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